Thank you for visting my website! Unfortunately, such a web page costs a lot of work and time. This ais why the most articles are until today only in German. I try to fix this and either present the most relevant contents in subpages to this one here, or to directly translate the affected pages. I will inform you about the translating progress beneath this text.
Already translated pages:
Legal information (Original german version see beneath):
All contents © West Train* 2020. All photos, videos and texts are protected by copyright*. Usage only with my permission!*
I am thankful for any advice to wrong or incomplete information you might have found. I am not liable for any damage on persons or objects that have resulted by my
tips or advices. All information is subject to change or mistake.
*If not noted otherwise.
I am not liable for the content of other websites that are linked on my website. If a link regards to a website containing offensive, illegal or chargeable contents or contents that are not suitable for younger people, please contact me so I can delete this link.
The privacy policy is linked at the very bottom of this website. The link regards to the support page of the website host Jimdo.
Last updated on March 14th, 2020